EOLDAC Registered Membership Application
One of the requirements of registered membership is completing 40 hours of related work experience with a minimum of three clients. The intent of completing these 40 hours is to utilize skills, resources, and knowledge acquired from End of Life Doula training, the completion of which is mandatory prior to application for membership.
Accepted experience should involve the scope of End of Life Doula work such as: facilitating conversations on dying; end-of-life planning; providing appropriate resources; sitting vigil; Advance Care Planning; etc. Your 40 hours must include a minimum of three experiences and/or clients, providing at least two unique services, and utilizing a minimum of four skills (note: this is four distinct skills across the three experiences; you needn’t use four skills for each experience and/or client).
Please fill out the chart as completely as possible. This form is built for three experiences, however, if you have more than three, you can add additional experiences to total a minimum of 40 hours. If you have any questions, please contact info@endoflifedoulaassociation.org